Balsum Mountain Preserve, Arnold Palmer Course
From the desk of the trip chair, Justin Bundy:
Join us July 23rd-26th in the NC Mountains for the 2020 AGA Summer Trip.
Summer Trip Details
Harrahs Resort
Cherokee, NC
July 23-26 2020
Double Occupancy: $900(per person)
Single Occupancy: $1100 (per person)
Entry forms with payment instructions will be available on March 16th.
Trip Includes:
- Pairings Party
- Three nights lodging (Thurs, Fri, Sat) at the fabulous Harrahs Casino
- Breakfast buffet daily at Selu Gardens inside Harrahs
- Arrival dinner Thurs night in the hospitality suite
- Beverages and snacks in AGA private hospitality room all weekend
- Tee gift
- Three rounds of golf (Thurs at Balsum Mountain Preserve, Fri and Sat at Sequoyah National) with box lunch Thursday
- Discounted re-play rate on Friday afternoon at Sequoyah National
- Club storage and unlimited range balls
- Both courses are within 20 minutes of Harrahs Resort
Space is guaranteed for the first 40 participants only. Once the trip fills, additional full-trip or partial-trip requests will be accommodated based on availability.
- March 16 sign up begins
- June 20th registration and cancellation deadline